This is us.. Óli, me and Þór.

Óli is Icelandic, from the east of Iceland and very tall (picture taken in Scotland). He likes playing the fiddle and fireworks. I am from Scotland and normal in height where I come from or rather small here (picture taken in the east of Iceland). I like being outside and dancing. Þór is a Campbells Russian dwarf hamster born in Iceland. He is extremely small but big for a dwarf hamster. He likes eating sunflower seeds and drinking milk.

Óli is Icelandic, from the east of Iceland and very tall (picture taken in Scotland). He likes playing the fiddle and fireworks. I am from Scotland and normal in height where I come from or rather small here (picture taken in the east of Iceland). I like being outside and dancing. Þór is a Campbells Russian dwarf hamster born in Iceland. He is extremely small but big for a dwarf hamster. He likes eating sunflower seeds and drinking milk.
Hello Stelpa, this is great! I will come to see you often, Por looks totally spoiled :). I suppose as a hamster should be especially when he is a multicultural one...
A big kiss to you and Oli, and congratulations on having started your digital page. Love,Maria.
hi Kate, i'm in this blogosphere already, in a rambling random kinda way. It's an addiction!! (mine's not as cool as yours) glad you've got this blog up, so I can keep up to date with you and remind myself of how much i miss Iceladn :( (and you!).
Hope i can come visit soon, sometime :)
cute hamster...
LIndsay xx
"He likes playing the fiddle and fireworks."
Playing fireworks sounds a bit dangerous - I'd stick with just the fiddle;)
Tell me about it .. Hogmanay was life threatening, but fun: (
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