Thursday, July 19, 2007

Spoke too soon

The sun has gone and we have drizzle and haar or Scotch mist .. or Icelandic normal summer weather. It is a relief, in a way, to know that the world has not gone mad and swapped the norms of life around too much. The air smells clean and fresh with grass and flowers. The school children outside tending the gardens around the University are not impressed and walk like zombies in their green rubber outfits. I feel sorry for them, and slightly less than amused that today was to be my first day of fieldwork this month.


hoodiehoodie said...

Thought you'd be interested to know, my uncle lost our blog page, so he typed in dunnabakka, and was linked to your page. So, he found our page via you! How weird!

Kate said...

Glad he found you. Hope all is well. I like looking at the lovely pictures of you all.. hope to see you here one day, or that we can visit you. K x